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9 Times When Nature Won Against Civilization

 Nature has its own way of getting back to things. All of us come across certain situations when nature is furious than our rage and when we feel that nature can take everything which we made from it.

Here are 9 most stunningly beautiful pictures for you proving that "Nature finds its way" and it always will.

1. Abandoned Fisherman's town in Kamchatka, Russia

 2. Vashon Island, Washington, a bicycle badly finished by a tree.

 3. Empty hotel room, now full with nature

 4. Sorrento, Italy, An old mill

 5. Now nature enjoying giant wheel.

 6. Trees winning over in Hongkong

 7. Keelung city, Taiwan

 8. A beautiful mansion near Kilgarvan, Ireland

 9. Belgium, Vintage Automobiles surrounded by a forest

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