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Mother Poses With Her 2 Kids On The Beach. Takes 1 Look At Photo And Runs For Her Camera Again

 The internet and social media are filled with perfect photos; photos of picture perfect, flawless bodies. There are no dimples, cellulite or fat rolls visible. We only want our best sides seen on camera. We’re afraid of criticism or nasty comments. But for Kirsten Bosly, of Perth, Australia, she experienced an epiphany that changed her outlook on herself. This insight freed her from the suspected chains of judgment she believed she faced from others when they looked at photos of her in a bathing suit.

Kirsten was at the beach with her loved ones. Instead of enjoying the day, she felt ashamed, embarrassed and uncomfortable in her bathing suit. She worried about everyone seeing her in her swimming attire. Her realization is making an impact to many around the world.
 Here’s what Kirsten shared: “Today marks a new beginning for me. For most of my life, I have hated my body. Despised it. Loathed it. Resented it. Wanted so very much for it to change; for it to be smaller, thinner… less ‘fat.’

”I’ve used it and abused it. I’ve blamed it for a lot of things. I’ve been terribly ashamed of its wobbles and dimples; like somehow they are the measure of who I am.

“I recently read a meme that said something along the lines of ‘be in pictures with your kids because when you’re gone, the pictures will be all they have left’ and it struck a nerve. I’ve  avoided pictures most of the time as I disliked how I looked in them.”
 “Not anymore! The truth is, I’m tired of being ashamed of my body; it’s done nothing but support me for 41 years…. So today I let go.

“I let go of the hatred and resentment of this body of mine and chose to enjoy it for what it is; my body. I asked The Pants to take this photo, so the kids will remember us enjoying this day together,  cellulite and all.

“No cover-up. No board shorts. No ‘modesty’ towel. No filters. Just us.

And you know what? I’m not ashamed. Really.

“I look at this photo, and all I can see is how happy we are, and that’s awesome. I finally feel free, and it feels awesome!”

Thanks to this life-changing realization, Kirsten can now live free of the shame and discomfort she once suffered
In an email to the  Today Show, she elaborated further on how the epiphany came about in the first place: “I was standing on the beach, stressing out about it, and just had a moment of clarity when I  realized the only person judging me in that moment was me.

“Nobody was paying me any attention and the only thing stopping me from just letting go and  embracing myself fully was a bag full of hang-ups that I had created and chosen to carry around.”

Way to go, Kirsten! We all need to feel comfortable in our own skin especially around those we love. They love us just as we are and don’t care about our imperfections.
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