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16 Kitchen Scraps That You Can Re-grow

 All of us want to be able to have fresh fruit and vegetable at our disposal when working in the kitchen, preparing a delicious meal. The truth is you can have your veggies and eat them too! There are a number of plants which you can throw away after eating, not knowing they can be re-grown in the most easy of methods. Here is the list of those vegetables and how you can make some more in the comfort of your home.

 Fennel, Scallions, Onions and Leeks can be re-grown if using the white root end. Put it into a glass jar and pour a bit of water over it. Keep it in a well lit area (like the kitchen window) and soon enough you will be able to notice the green leaves sprouting. When it’s of a decent size, cut it away and use in your dishes. Freshen up the water supply and your vegetable is ready to grow again.

 Cabbage, Celery, Romaine Lettuce and Bok Choi are very similar to the previous category. Meaning the secret of re-growing powers lie in its white root end. Like before, cut and put it into a bowl with a bit of water in, under direct sunlight and after a couple of days new leaves will begin to rise once more. You could do this with soil, but then you should water it excessively in the first week.

  Lemongrass is not much different than a normal grass. The root end should go into a jar with little water but transferred into a pot when it begins to grow again. Ready to be harvested when the stalks have one foot height.

  Potatoes are maybe the easiest of the foods to re-grow at home. If a potato has `eyes` than it can be made to give some more potatoes. Cut the potato into pieces of 2 inch square which each must have an `eye` on it. Place it in a dry area and after a couple of days plant them in a high-nutrient soil, with the `eye` facing up at 8 inches deep. Add extra soil when the plant begins to grow.

Ginger is also very easy to work with. The part you are interested in is the thick knobby bit, known as the rhizome. Put one such piece in some potted soil with the buds facing up and in a moist and warm setting, although not in direct sunlight. When the new roots rise up and the plant is fully grown, just repeat the instruction here to re-re-grow a ginger fruit.

A single clove of a piece of Garlic is enough to use in order to re-grow the entire vegetable. Plant with the root end downward in direct sunlight and see the impressive results of Nature. Keep in mind that cutting the shoots will force the plant to make a big bulb. The important thing to remember is that – like in the case of ginger – you can re-grow it again and again without buying a new one soon.

Things You Will Need

1- A head of garlic
2- Potting soil
3- A container

Break garlic cloves apart and sow each clove vertically into the soil at a depth of 1 inch. Cover all the cloves with soil. Place the pot in an area that gets plenty of direct sunlight. Clip off the greens when they are about 3 – 4 inches tall, leaving about an inch or so for it to re-grow. When it turns brown and dries up, dig the clove of garlic you planted and you should have a full bulb. Take a clove from that and start over!

 Onions shouldn’t be thrown away but re-grown, mostly because they do classify among the easiest vegetables to sprout `from their ashes`. What you need to do is cut off the root end but ensuring half an inch of onion is on the roots. Put this entirely in soil in your garden in a well lit area and keep watering. A cold weather is not recommended for this vegetable.

Sweet Potatoes can be re-grown by planting a part of it under a thing layer of soil. The place in the garden should be well `seen` by the Sun. At a height of 4 inches, remove the shoots and re-plant them with 12 inches of space in between. A long waiting time (around 4 months) begins and after that, feel free to rip the benefits of re-growing your own vegetables.

Carrot Tops are something to be played with or nicely decorated, but not eaten! Remember this when you want to re-grow a carrot from the eating table. The top and an inch of the root of the carrot should be balanced with toothpicks on a water filled glass jar. Filtered sunlight will make the roots sprout in a couple of days.

  Mushrooms, although are hard to re-grow, it’s not impossible! The preferred medium for mushrooms is a pot filled with a mix of soil and compost. In daytime, filtered light will do the job, while during the night, it’s better to leave it a cool temperature. The part which should go into the soil is the stalk with the head removed. But be careful to leave the top part unburied. In a matter of days you will know if the base has re-grown a new mushroom.

Pineapples are delicious and will surely be among the top choices of re-grown fruit in your home. The sad part is it takes very long (almost a couple of years) until you can rip the fruit from the pineapple tree you grow at home. Simply place the green top piece (with no fruit attached to it!) in a warm environment. Also, make sure the surface is well drained. Pour water regularly at first and then weekly. Good luck!

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