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16 Everyday Objects Whose True Purpose You Did Not Know

 We usually take our gadgets and the items we use at home for granted. Not once do we bother about the hole in the handle of your pen or at the end of a pen cap. We don’t think much about small trivial issues thinking they have no uses. But! On the contrary, they do have their uses and that is the reason why they have those feature built into them. Here are 16 everyday objects with uses you may not know about.

Hole at the end of the saucepan handle

Think about yourself cooking pasta sauce and you keep stirring the sauce with a ladle, what happens when you have no place to put the spoon?, That’s precisely what the hole in the saucepan handle is for. Resting a spoon.

 The tiny pocket in your jeans

That isn’t a hallmark of style for jeans in case you may have thought so. At the most a few pieces of change, a pen drive or something really small can only fit into it. The fact is jeans were created along time ago in 1873 by Jacob David and Levi Strauss. In those days people used pocket watches which were usually carried in a trouser pocket or waistcoat pocket, but when jeans were created, the designers thought of the unique idea of creating a small pocket exclusively for the watch.

 Hole at the top of a pen cap

Kids and even adults often chew on pen caps like they do pencils unknowingly. There have been several incidents where people have swallowed pen caps. Swallowing a pen cap has the potential to block your breathing. The hole added on top of the cap facilitates air flow that allows a person who is choking on a pen cap a chance to breathe increasing the chances to survive.

 The lid on a soft drink

How often have we been served coffee and soft drinks in cups with covers and used tissues as coasters. But what you don’t know is that the lid is meant to be used as a coaster which is why it has been designed that way. Using the lid ensures a cleaner table and mess free dinner.

 Multiple colors on bread tags

Did you ever stop and think why there are different colored tags on bread? The tags are meant to keep the packets closed but the color actually tells you the extent of the freshness of the bread or how fresh it is. That’s right in case you never knew that. The colors denote the day of delivery where each color denotes a day of the week. But if you are still puzzled over this, simply follow the expiry date instead.

 How to find out which side the gas tank is on

For those drivers out there, have you ever been caught in the middle or confused which side the gas tank is on when you want to fill gas? Look at your gas tank meter, there is a small arrow and symbol that tells you on which side is the gas tank. You can save the hassle of getting out of your car or reparking. 

 The takeaway containers when ordering Chinese food

Among uses of everyday objects, this is a really good one. When you order Chinese, you don’t need t get stressed out with dirty plates. The stuff folds into plates that you can eat the food in. You can also fold it back into a container to keep any leftovers in the fridge. Now isn’t that cool!

 Taking out one Tic Tac

A bit of a trivial issue as it wouldn’t really matter if you touched one or many but interesting all the same. If you want just one tit tac instead of touching many, then use the lid. The lid on your container of tic tacs is a dispenser that dispenses just one tic tac at a time.

 The tiny holes in airplanes

The holes are meant to compensate for air pressure and to prevent windows for fogging. Did you know this?

 The frit band and dots

The back band running along the edges of a windshield is called a frit band. It is like a baked in ceramic paint with various functions. It protects the urethane sealant which holds a windshield glass in place for UV rays. It conceals dirt gathered long the glass. The dots create even temperature distribution during the production of windshields. 


Dark glasses were first worn by people in the arctic to protect their eyes from the harsh bright sun reflecting off the snow. Sun glasses were also worn by Chinese judges in the 12th century to hide their emotions.

 Notebook margins

The original reason for margins was to provide a space where a teacher could write her comments. In the past books without margins were usually eaten by rats that led to valuable information being lost. This lead to people leaving empty spaces at the edges where damage was most likely to happen. This, in turn, led to margins.

 Dimples on golf balls

Initially, golf balls were smooth, soon golfers realized that the when the balls were old and cracked, they were much better to play with. This led to the idea of making gold balls with dimples to resemble an aged texture.

 Holes in padlocks

Padlock usually gives problems during rain which then results in having to buy a new lock. The purpose of the small hole is for pouring lubricant inside which will make the lock work again. 

 Stripes on headphone jacks

We never really wonder about the uses of everyday objects. If you look closely, your headphone jack has 2 or 3 stripes on them and they aren’t made only for decoration. Wires enter both headphones from these stripes and tat allows sound to be heard from both headphones.

 Ridged edges of coins

The grooves you see on the edges of coins were first started in the 16th century. This was done because people would use coins to cut precious metal but would still use the damaged coins. To counteract this, coin with ridges or grooves were produced so that one could make out if it was tampered with. The process was called reeding and is still followed today.

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