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Partners Who Really Love Each Other Tend To Get Fat. According To Recent Research

 Obesity is one of the biggest problems in the world right now with lots of young adults and teenagers obese. Many different factors are responsible for obesity one of which is overeating. Many people have done several things to ensure that they try to correct this problem by changing their lifestyle and dropping other habits.

 However, no one can truly know if what they are doing would be of any help at all until they have already started to do it. People cut down their foods, go hungry, starve themselves, begin to visit the gym regularly and take lots of supplements to help reduce their weight. Sometimes even all of these sacrifices are not able to work at all because of the person’s genes or way of living.

 Here’s a shocking fact, did you know that couples who truly love each other tend to grow fat. Yes, it has actually been backed by scientific proof. Have you ever felt that you were gaining a few pounds when you were in a relationship? Well, that’s because you were.

 A lot of research carried out have proved that once two people have a comfortable bond between themselves, they have a higher tendency to gain a few pounds. A few researchers from the University of Queensland, Australia researched 6,459 women. The research lasted for 10 years.

 In their analysis, they found out that lots of women who were within the 20-30 age group, married, or are in a serious relationship had a decidedly increased weight, unlike the women who were single.

The women in a relationship who have fostered a wonderful bond between themselves and someone else weighed about 5kilos. Other women also gained some weight amounting to about 4 kilos. It would have been unfair if only girls suffered from this. Apparently, both male and female couples do.

This time the research was done on men by the Southern Methodist University in Dallas. They studied 169 couples for over 4 years and came up with the same findings. It seemed that the guys in a happy committed relationship also gained more weight within those years.

 A thesis from the University of York came to the same conclusions that there was no difference between the man and the woman in the relationship. Both of them gain a bit more weight. In fact, they even noted that a good weight gain is one of the signs of a good relationship.

So the big question remains, why do we get fat when we are in a relationship?

 The causes of this phenomenon have not yet been clearly discovered however certain things are said to be its probable causes. The scientists have said that the closeness of such a bond might influence their habits and way of life making a person easily get adapted to their partner’s way of life. Besides that, women in a relationship begin to eat more of sugary junk. This alone can cause them to grow fatter. Sometimes the women also tend to eat as much as their partners without remembering that most guys have a larger appetite. Many of the women who were asked confirmed this exact point, stating that they eat the same amount of food with their partners.

 Another clear reason why couples get fatter is that they spend a lot of their time cuddling, and doing lots of domestic work together like doing the dishes together.

 Another point is that when we live alone, we most times don’t even bother about cooking any delicious meals, so we settle for taking out or something light. But when we are in a relationship, we spend more time cooking good meals to share together as a couple, and that can also be a contributor to the weight that we put on.

 Some people actually stop exercising or living the healthy lifestyle to which they were accustomed to before they entered that relationship. A lot of their attention isn’t focused anymore on getting someone; it is spent on keeping that person happy.

One thing the researchers noticed about the couples who got fatter was that they had some sort of routine which they followed judiciously. This routine included spending time together in restaurants and other social places while they got to know themselves better. Then as the bond between them thickens, they begin to spend more time indoors and settle for cooking dinner and watching a movie after dinner. These activities would result in an apparent weight gain.

The weight gain can also be affected by the relaxed feeling coursing through you. As the bond thickens and we feel safe and secured in it. These positive feelings can bring on more improved appetite.

It’s important to note that all the factors explained here are just general conclusions to which there are lots of exceptions to the rules.

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