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Woman Swallowed Whole By 23-Foot Python Found Undigested Inside Its Stomach [VIDEO]

 They had no idea where she’d disappeared to — then they found her body inside an enormous snake.

On June 15, a 54-year-old Indonesian woman was found dead on the island of Sulawesi after being swallowed whole by a 23-foot python, reported The Jakarta Post.

The night before, Wa Tiba left her village, Persiapan Lawela, to tend to her garden located about half a mile from her house. Tiba’s family reported that she wanted to check on the garden because wild boars often destroyed its crops.

When Tiba didn’t return home by sunrise, her sister went to look for her near the garden. She could only find some of her sister’s belongings, including a flashlight, her machete, and her sandals.

Soon, about 100 worried locals including Tiba’s relatives, launched a search party. Then they came across a 23-foot reticulated python with a bloated midsection about 100 feet away from where her belongings were found.
“Residents were suspicious the snake swallowed the victim, so they killed it, then carried it out of the garden,” said the local police chief, identified as Hamka.

After carrying the python back to the village, the villagers sliced open its carcass. Inside they found and extracted the body of Wa Tiba, who’d been swallowed head first.

“When they cut open the snake’s belly, they found Tiba’s body still intact with all her clothes,” said the village chief, identified as Faris.

Reticulated pythons like this one are the longest snakes in the world and are widespread in Indonesia as well as other parts of Southeast Asia. These creatures, which can reach lengths of more than 25 feet and weigh more than 120 pounds, use their incredible size to squeeze their prey to death before swallowing it whole and digesting it over the course of days or even weeks.

They regularly kill and eat creatures about a quarter of their own size, including monkeys and pigs, but reports of humans being killed by these pythons are rare. However, this was the second attack of a human by a python in Indonesia in a little over a year.

In a similar incident that took place in March 2017, a 25-year-old farmer was swallowed whole by a python in West Sulawesi province while he was harvesting his crops.

Turns out that gardening in Indonesia can be one horribly dangerous activity.

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