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17 Most Outrageous Nail Designs That Never Should Have Happened

 I love doing my nails, but some of the designs I see online are way too complicated. I've tried my share of nail art, but nothing compares to these trends that somehow became popular.

I don't know about you, but the idea of having poppable pimples on my nails makes me want to gag.

17. Alien Nails
 The last thing your fingers need is a whole other set of fingers.

16. Aquarium Nails
 I love the ocean, but I have zero need to experience it on my finger nails.

15. Bubble Nails
 There's no way these ever dry.

14. Mustache Nails
 Disguises are for your face...not your nails.

13. Duck-Feet Nails
 Duck feet belong on ducks and not on your nails. Can you imagine trying to type with these?

12. Bug Nails
 I have to touch bugs? No thanks.

11. Pierced Nails
 How do you get anything done? It's like having webbed feet.

10. Candy Crush Nails
 Listen, I love Candy Crush. But I do not love anything enough to spend the time, money, or effort on something like this.

9. Extra Nails
 This ONLY makes sense because you have a spare in case a nail breaks off.

8. Fuzzy Nails
 I get stressed out when a piece of lint lands on my nail before it's dry. This would be my nightmare.

7. Snow Globe Nails
 These are fun until the globe breaks and you're stuck with wet fingers and a piece of broken plastic.

6. Spiral Nails
 They're like stilts for your fingers...how do you do anything?

5. Teeth Nails
 Let me get this straight. You CHOOSE to put teeth on your nails, and then CHOOSE to add a cavity? Aim higher.

4. Succulent Nails
 Talk about having a green thumb.

3. Pimple Nails
 Nothing makes me more upset than the thought of a pimple on your nails that you can pop, and hand lotion coming out. It's revolting.

2. Gun Nails
 When people say they want gun control, it's to prevent stuff like this.

1. Cereal Nails
Okay, these ones I can get on board with.
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