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DIY Flower Crown Tutorial

 Every princess needs a crown. I just prefer the flower variety.

Spring is right around the corner. Flowers are budding, trees are beginning to blossom, and the bees are buzzing. Flower crowns seem to be the latest and greatest thing, and I can see why. They are a darling statement piece to spice up an everyday outfit. They are fun and whimsical, and will get you tons of compliments. Want to learn how to make your own? Keep on reading!

  1. Gather your supplies, and prepare the flowers. I chose to use artificial flowers since I wanted the flower crown to last awhile. If you are making these for a young child, I would recommend not using real flowers, as it will be quite delicate. I find that it is easier to bend real flowers around the headband, compared to artificial ones. For these particular tulips, I was able to simply pull the buds off of the stems. For the accents of baby’s breath, I snipped them down to my desired size. The green leaves I added at the back were from the tulips. Feel free to put the flowers all the way around, however I wanted something a little different this time.
  2. Once your flowers are ready to go, measure the circumference of your head, or the person you’re making it for. If you’re using a store bought headband, skip this step.
  3. Use that measurement + 1 inch and cut the wire, then twist the ends together to form a circle. I used some green wire that I found in the floral section of the craft store, though any wire should work.
  4. Time to start adding the flowers! One by one, lay a flower parallel to the wire, and wrap a strand of floral tape around the stem and wire. I wrap the floral tape around 4-5 times to make sure it’s completely secure. Continue adding flowers one at a time, wrapping tightly each time. Once you reach the end, simply cut the tape, and rub it on to adhere the tape together.
Voilà! How are you going to show off your beautiful handmade flower crown?

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