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15 Beauty Secrets That Will Always Solve Your Skin Problems

 There is a difference between caring for your skin and damaging it with stuff that doesn’t agree with your skin. More often than not, we put too many ingredients on our skin simply because we read about it somewhere or someone gave us that piece of advice. Not always will everything work on your skin. Instead you should learn to care for your skin by doing the things you need to do for healthy skin. Knowing this difference can be extremely helpful and, thus here are some things that you shouldn’t do with your skin:

Using Soap to Wash Your Face

If soap is used on a daily basis, it can cause the skin’s protective layer to deteriorate and even dries the skin, thereby causing acne. It would be better to use cleansing lotions and gentle foam creams and stay clear of cleansers that contain SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulfate).

 Washing Your Face with Scrubs

Scrubs can have a dubious effect but they don’t last long which makes you rely on using them more often. Using a scrub can damage the skin and cause it to get rough. Complexion leveling and skin peeling aids that contain acids are the most effective.

 Fussing over a greasy and problematic skin

Stressing out your skin will only make matters worse. It would be much better to get some aids that suit your skin type and just follow the basic rules. However, if you have acne or other serious skin issues, then consider consulting a dermatologist and cosmetologist rather than relying on self-treatment.

 Sun Tanning

The sun’s rays are indeed harmful to the skin and damage caused by the sun will in time appear on the skin as liver patches/spots. Hence, protecting your skin, especially your face from the sun throughout the year is a must. But if you absolutely must have brown skin, spray tans are much better options.

 Making Your Fridge a Vanity Bag

While traditional cosmetics are pretty good to a certain extent, the fact remains that they can also be obsolete. The point is to know the difference between applying a sour cream on your face in contrast to applying a cream containing lactic acid. Sure vitamin C is beneficial to the skin, but when a pill is mixed into the cream all its potential benefits are rendered useless.


Choose a non-foamy cleanser like cleansing cream, milk, balm or even a skin aid that can foam without needing to interact with water (can foam without using SLS).In case you have make-up on, use a special remover, such as hydrophilic oil, or micellar water to remove it first and then wash your face with water.


Caring for your skin is made much easier when you use acidic toners as they cleanse the pores and level the skin texture and its complexion. AHA acids and salicylic acids (not the concentrated drugstore ones) are best for dealing with oily skin.


You should always choose a cream that agrees with your skin type. Just remember that no matter what there can never be any magical way to get a beautiful tone. A moisturizing cream just adds a protective, moisturizing and nourishing layer on your skin. If you require additional care then use a serum before applying the cream.


The SPF contained in sunscreen creams and lotions is highly beneficial in protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Nevertheless, using sunscreen is an individual choice, but it is still highly recommended as a skin care solution or tip.

 Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid-based aids are anti-inflammatory in nature and great for solving issues pertaining to congested skin. It is also an effective pimple buster which penetrates into the skin follicles and removes trapped bacteria.

 Aspirin and honey

Aspirin also contains salicylic acid that helps in exfoliating the top layer of the skin and heals irritated bikini line bumps. It even allows ingrown hairs to pierce through and grow out of the skin. Creating an aspirin paste with honey requires you to crush 3-4 uncoated pills and mixing with water into a paste. You can also add a spoon of honey to the mixture. Then apply this on the face as a mask and let it dry, after which you have to rinse thoroughly. This paste can even rid you off pimples if you simply apply it on the affected areas and leave it on for 2 minutes and then wash it off with water and soap. If you don’t want to use honey, simply use aspirin.

 For greasiness use benzoyl peroxide

To deal with excessive greasiness use benzoyl peroxide. This is a good antibacterial skin care solution. While antibiotics can be effective, bacteria can develop a resistance to them in time. The benzoyl peroxide will work effectively against the bacteria.

 Use simple oil-based cosmetics

Cosmetics that contain simple oils (olive oil) and salicylic acid eliminate dark spots. Apply this on the affected areas and rub it an energetic way before finally washing it off. The dark spot may seem lighter after that and in some cases may even disappear completely.

 Vitamin C

Vitamin C and acids are good for dealing with hhyperpigmentationand pitted acne. Still, the deep scars left behind from severe acne cannot be done away with acids. For this, consider going to a beautician ad a beauty salon for peeling.

 Water and sleep

 It cannot be emphasized enough how water and sleep are important for your skin. While water hydrates your skin, sleep nourishes and rejuvenates your body. It also improves immunity and contributes to healthier skin, especially the face and eyes.

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