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 Mark Webster was bored with his normal life and decided to do something different to get rid of the boredom. So he decided to follow the Rock’s diet as well as workout routine. The Rock eats around 5000 calories in over 6 meals per day and devotes around 6 hours for exercising.

1. Anyone can follow it

Webster believed that Rock’s diet isn’t exclusive to superstars and celebrities, anyone can follow his diet given enough time and dedication.

 2.Daily diet

Take a look at the diet below. It is easy to see that following this diet takes a lot of time and on top of that, it can burn a hole in your pocket.

 3. His daily meal

As said earlier, one has to consume over 6 meals every day. And it is very expensive. $1,262 was spent in total just on food, which amounts to around $42 per day. This also includes cod which is worth $18.

 4. How he looks now

In the picture below, Mark weighs 94 kgs while on the left one, his weight is 93 kgs.

It is evident that he has a moderate amount of fat in the left image, while in the right one, that fat is gone and has been replaced by muscle.

He commented that the main problem with the diet was the frequent meals. He had to consume meals every few hours, so that often interrupted his work.

Since he was consuming calories, he also had to exercise to burn them. He followed Rock and did about an hour of cardio along with weight training for one and a half hour 6 days every week.

Approximately, he was burning around 3,550 calories per day. This routine is more or less similar to the one Rock followed for his movie “Hercules”.

All in all, he had to spend about 5 hours per days preparing meals, eating along with exercising.

 5. Appreciation from the Rock himself

The Rock was quite impressed by Mark’s dedication, and appreciated him via Twitter on his success.

 6. Exercise is important

This brilliant diet by Mark shows that while calories are definitely important for the body, without exercise, one is simply going to get obese. So its necessary to work out to offset that. As the Rock says, don’t just lie on the couch, get up and start working out!

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