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11 Times People Did Something Insane Or Embarrassing Around Their Crush

 Everyone’s had a crush (or a couple dozen) that made them so nervous that speaking became difficult.

These feelings we get when we’re both young and old can lead us to do some pretty stupid things. Some of us prefer to stay silent and hope that this special someone will take notice on their own, while others boldly follow their sometimes misguided instincts to pursue their crush in the hopes of finding true love.

Often, it doesn’t go quite as planned. These are the times that make for the best stories later in life, no matter how hard they might be to retell.

These 11 stories from Reddit users sure do bring up some memories of my own, which I will happily keep to myself, thank you very much!

Do you have any cringe-worthy stories like these from your childhood or even your adulthood? I bet you know someone who has a really juicy one in their past.

Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook to see what other funny crush stories are floating around out there!

 “I wanted to be her partner when we got in pairs in Spanish class. I was mentally preparing how I was going to ask, but when the teacher said to find a partner I just yelled her first name really loud. People stared at me and she was embarrassed, I think. It is one of those times where I look back and still cringe.”  – Seven_Kostanza

 “I had a phone that barely had a Facebook app. I thought I was searching her name to creep on her.

“I actually posted her name as my status.” – Reddit User

 “When I was 14 I made a fake website for a fake movie to prove to a girl I was starring in a movie.” – Reddit User

 “Gave him a worm. I was 16. It did not work.” – wormish

 “I knew which way she walked home from school, so one sick day I wrote ‘I LOVE HEIDI’ in giant chalk letters on the sidewalk where I knew she’d pass. I hid in the bushes and when she walked by I yelled ‘Looook doown!’ She promptly decided to speed walk the rest of the way home. I never told her it was me.” –Handeatingcat

 “I was really into dragons growing up. Like, really into them. I had a book called Dragonology, which I had with me all the time. In the book there was a language key for ‘Dragon Runes.’ Well, me being my sly mysterious self, I wrote her a love note in these runes with a little key on it so she could figure it out. Didn’t say it was from me.

“I slipped it into her locker and she confronted me the next day. I was amazed that she knew the note [the one written in dragon language] was by me [the kid that was obsessed with dragons]. Thinking back I must’ve come off like a greasy-haired Zodiac.” – MistaTom

 “Pick flowers at night, put them in front of her door. Not even a note, or a name, or anything, just the flowers. Even denied when she asked if they were mine… Don’t know what I was trying to accomplish there…” – asldfbaslfbawlfyb

 “Not me but my friend had a crush on her neighbor who was playing basketball in the street with his friend. She put on a bikini, dragged a baby pool into her front yard, and took a soapy bath with her dog. The boys kept glancing at her and laughing.” – norberthp

 “I tried to sing her a song while playing it on the piano. I can’t sing. I can’t play piano, I just knew the basic tune and knew that the higher notes were to the left on the keyboard. I didn’t even know the words to the song. Looking back, it was pretty obvious she didn’t even want me to sing to her, she was being polite.” – projektmayem

 “In middle school, I had this serious crush on a girl who was really beautiful and pretty good at academics like me. Every day in Math class, I used to finish the problem before her, yet wait for about 10 minutes so that we could both say the answer at the same time. She’d look back and smile at me, and that was enough motivation to continue this tactic for about the next six months.” – vdanirudh

“In middle school, I brought her a Popsicle but was too nervous to give it to her, so I put it in my locker. At the end of the day, after I worked up all my courage, I walk confidently over to my locker to find all of my school work covered in purple goo.” – Plsdntdotht

Have you ever done something totally outrageous for a crush? Please SHARE to see if anyone you know has a story like these.
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