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11 Photos That Prove You Have No Idea How Food Grows

  We all know what our food looks like once it’s sitting on shelves, poured out of a can, or on our plates at a restaurant, but most of us never get to see what our fruits, vegetables, seeds, etc., look like when they’re still in the fields or on the trees.

I hope you find these pictures as interesting (and enlightening!) as I did!

#12. Sesame Seeds
 They look like beans!

#11. Pistachios
I would have guessed some exotic fruit. And why are they not green?

#10. Vanilla Bean
 *resists making limp joke*

#9. Kiwi
 This is like some kind of fantasy. Like New Zealand itself, really.

#8. Peanuts
 They have flowers! Who knew?

#7. Brussels Sprouts
 These aren’t weird or anything. I just think they’re so pretty in their natural state.

#6. Almonds
 So many of these are prettier than expected.
#5. Cinnamon
 Or just a tree?

#4. Cranberries
 They’re green before they’re floating in a bog like in the commercial.

#3. Cacao
 I could not have picked this out of a food lineup.

#2. Saffron
 Look how it grows in the rocks – I love the color!

#1. Cashews
Wut. They look like peppers!
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