"Photogenic," "beautiful," and "attractive" are not generally words that come to mind when one thinks of anything involving a criminal – especially when it comes to mugshots. These 15 women and men made the cut for being incredibly good looking in their mugshot photos, but don't let the dazzling smiles and good hair fool you! These people are all behind bars for a reason! So, the next time you meet someone you think is cute, make sure to get a copy of their rap sheet because if there's one thing these 15 hotties prove, it's that there is much more to a person than meets the eye!
Alexandria was a 24-year-old middle school teacher in good ol' Texas when she was arrested. Guilt must have gotten the best of her, because she actually turned herself in to the authorities. She admitted to them that she had been having a sexual relationship with one of her students, and not just once or twice – but on an almost daily basis. The student in question was only 13 at the time, making the relationship very illegal, and quite disturbing. The teacher and student relationship issue seems to be on the rise, so moms talk to your kids and let them know it's not okay, not matter how hot the teacher is! I think it's safe to say Alexandria will no longer be teaching – that is, unless she's teaching classes in prison.
The former beauty queen, Katie Rees, has a long and tumultuous relationship with the law. Her rapid downward spiral seemed to have started in 2006, when she was stripped of her title after nude photos of her were leaked online for all to see. Following that incident, Katie was then arrested in 2008 for assaulting an officer. After that, she was arrested yet again in early 2015 for felony drug charges involving meth. Last, but not least, the infamous mugshot above is from her most recent arrest which occurred in late 2015. She went down for a long list of items that included the possession of meth, marijuana, and various prescription drugs, proving to all that even America's beauty queen role models can head down the wrong path!
Shannon was 20-years-old when she was arrested for two counts of first-degree criminal mischief. Shannon was unhappy about her boyfriend breaking up with her, and to make matters worse, she suspected him of sleeping with one of her friends. She was furious about the supposed relationship and decided to take matters into her own hands. She proceeded to slash the car tires of both her ex-boyfriend and his alleged hookup, and even went as far as keying the word, "wore," into the sides of both their cars. It doesn't take a genius to realize that Shannon meant to key a different word onto both cars. To make matters worse, she admitted having done the above to her ex, who turned her into the police. Poor Shannon won't be winning any Citizen of the Year awards – or spelling bees, for that matter.
Sarah made her recent appearance in social media last April, when she was deemed to be the new prison hottie after her arrest. I mean, look at the woman! From the perfectly curled eyelashes, the flawless skin, to the gorgeous hair, who wouldn't fall for this hottie?! But don't be fooled by the great hair and perfect pout; Sarah has a quite lengthy – and, might I add, violent – criminal history. The mugshot which gave her the "prison bae" fame was the result of her most recent charge: failure to appear in court. You might be thinking, "Oh, well that seems pretty harmless," right? Wrong! Her court date (that she failed to appear for) was because she had committed the following crimes: reckless driving, robbery, kidnapping, and battery.
You're probably thinking, "Sure, we see where the 'adorable' part of the nickname comes from, but what about the drug kingpin?" Don't fret, we will definitely fill you in on that part! According to deathandtaxesmag.com, Sarah was arrested at age 19 "for alleged possession and delivery of 31.5 grams of cocaine, 126 grams of high-grade marijuana, 29 tablets of Ecstasy, an undisclosed amount of methamphetamine and 60 hits of LSD." And the cherry on top of the cake? Her father was a higher up at the DEA – yes, you know, the agency that specializes in drug crime! Oh, the irony! On a side note – I'm pretty sure no one would be cheesing that hard after being charged with such a serious crime... but as they say, to each their own.
Danielle is a 32-year-old makeup artist whose fight with her boyfriend sent her to the slammer. Danielle and her then boyfriend went out drinking, only to come home and have an alcohol-fuelled fight about, none other than, bills. What lead to the arrest, you may wonder? Well, mid-fight, Danielle decided it was a good idea to bite a portion of her then-beau's ear off! Shockingly enough, both parties offered up different sides to the story (I would probably attempt to bend the truth too if I bit someone's body part off, just saying). Unfortunately for Danielle and her side of the story, the physical harm done to her boyfriend didn't add up with her account, and was a little too disturbing for law enforcement officers to ignore.
These crime committing twin brothers bring a whole new meaning to the term "double trouble." Daniel and Caleb were fresh faced 22-years-olds when they were arrested. The duo was charged with arson, conspiracy, and theft (ummm what?!). The two twins were caught by law enforcement officers after placing homemade explosive devices in two separate county buildings in Pennsylvania. Though, the motivation behind the incident and where the devices were made was never fully released to the public, one can only imagine. They were successful in destroying several buildings, but luckily, no one was injured in the process. These brothers prove that there is a lot more to someone than just a good looking face. Once all was said and done, these good looking twins ended up being pretty darn terrifying!
Angela was arrested for disorderly conduct in Georgia, but the dirty deets as to what actually happened were not released. Due to her model-like appearance, thousands of people online offered to pay her bail to get her out of jail; though, she didn't need to take anyone up on their offer. Angela was released the same night. When reading Angela's social media platforms, she discloses her hobbies to include ballet, baking, and designing shoes. Well, let us be the first to tell you she obviously is not as zen as her online profile reads... what can we say? The internet can be deceiving! The next time you meet a hottie online with a list of calm, cool, and collected hobbies, make sure you meet her in person (or check her criminal record) before deciding they are the one for you!
Meet Mary Hunt. Mary was once engaged to a Mr. Scott Mitchell. Scott decided that he no longer wanted to be with Mary, so he broke up with her, leaving her heartbroken and, ahem, broke! Mr. Mitchell just so happened to be a very wealthy man. Mary decided her broken heart could be fixed no other way than rolling in some cold hard cash. She proceeded to break into Mr. Mitchell's vault and steal $2.1 million in gold and jewelry to mend her poor broken heart. Once she stole the goods, her parent's helped her hide the assets, because whose parents don't support their through a tough break up? Mary and her sticky fingers proves the saying, "Hell hath no fury like a women scorned," to be oh so true.
Jeremy Meeks made a big splash in the entertainment world as he was offered modelling contracts and had fashion designers fighting over who would dress him – all while he was still in prison. Although he was not able to take advantage of any of these opportunities while still locked up (you know, prison code of conduct and all), but you better believe that upon his release, he will definitely be reaping the benefits! Meeks' multiple arrests are said to be gang-related – they involve grand theft auto, as well as felony possession of a firearm. Word on the streets is that Meeks may be the first felon to land a modelling contract while still incarcerated. Can you blame them? Look at that jawline! While most felons have a hard time finding work after being in the prison system, Jeremy Meeks will probably have a better paying job the half the country!
Jessie Alexander, age 41 (doesn't look a day past thirty but we will come back to that), was arrested on "accusations she posed as a FOX television producer and promised business owners publicity in exchange for a $3,500 fee," according to CBS News. Ms. High Maintenance convinced a bunch of vulnerable companies that she personally knew a number of high profile celebrities and would work wonders for their businesses! Back to the reason Jessie is looking so fresh faced and beautiful in her mugshot – she blew the money she stole from those businesses on vacations, shopping sprees, and spas. We're guessing there was a little plastic surgery in there somewhere, too. When you have champagne taste on a beer budget, sometimes you just have to improvise and Jessie knew that crime paid pretty well! After all, looking that good surely comes at a cost!
Sean Kory was arrested for assault after he ran up to a Fox News anchor and yelled, "I hate Fox News," rubbed the anchor's microphone on his man parts, and then hit the anchor with a tennis racket. How hard he hit the anchor is unclear. Was it a silly "you crazy conservative" tap on the back? Or more of a "I will kill you bash on the head" whack? Either way, law enforcement officers seemed to have found the tap to be threatening and decided to place this dread-headed hunk under arrest. Also, just to throw it out there, Sean, a lot of people don't like Fox News, but unfortunately, that doesn't justify your bizarre behavior (although something tells me some type of mind altering substance was involved so that may explain his questionable actions). Better luck next time, hottie!

Lindsey Evans was crowned Miss Louisiana Teen in 2008, and not too long after, was relieved of her title due to an arrest. And so the story goes – Lindsey and some friends decided to "dine and dash," but Lindsey not too subtly forgot her purse behind. The restaurant called the cops to the scene where her purse was found. Not only did the I.D. in the purse help the cops identify her, but they also found drug paraphernalia and marijuana in her purse. Lindsey and her whole posse of friends were arrested, even though some tried to justify the dash with the terrible service they received (ugh, and what about the weed)! A word of advice, Lindsey, next time, just pay the $46.00 tab and save yourself a trip to jail.
Maura showed up at Arlington county jail to visit her husband after he had been arrested; unfortunately for her, she was drunk and naked when she arrived. Yes, I said naked! There was a local St. Patrick's Day festival, so a large majority of the small town had been indulging in the festivities. Due to that fact, the on-duty officer was patient and offered to get Maura some clothes and a cab home, but she continued to demand to see her husband. Maura's resistance to cooperate landed her a first class ticket behind bars – maybe they were kind enough to give her the cell right across from her husband? This love story at least has a sort of happy ending with no serious harm done to anyone
This story starts with Alysa being brought in for questioning about the so-called drugs she had. Upon leaving the station she posted a selfie in front of the station talking about how the "pigs" had nothing on her. Little did she know that they already had a search warrant for her house and would arrive the next day. Upon their arrival little miss Alysa was arrested for carrying Xanax with an intent to distribute – oops! After her first arrest, she gained thousands of internet fans and followers due to her dovishly good looks and sassy attitude. Naturally, she needed to give the people what they wanted, which was more Alysa! Well she did just that when she was arrested again a year later for shoplifting – producing yet another equally adorable mugshot. Such a people pleaser you are Alysa, sending a sincere thank you your way!
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