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15 People Who Met Their Twins At The Museum

 Have you ever met a total stranger who looks like they could be your brother or sister? It’s definitely a freaky experience, but it’s not all that uncommon. In fact, all of us probably have a doppelganger somewhere in the world.

But not only do you most likely have a secret twin, you’ve probably got a couple who lived centuries ago. Here are 15 people who found their doppelganger at an art museum, proving that when it comes to human beings, there are really only so many faces to go around. Either that, or time travel is real.

1. Uncanny

 2. The Next-To-Last Samurai
 3. Henry the 9th
 4. Glitch In The Matrix
 5. A Stone Age Lookalike
 6. When is that look coming back?
 7. Knight’s Tale
 8. Chopping Block
 9. Same face, same hair, same beard, same confusion.
 10. Ridiculously Photogenic Crusader
 11. Creepin’ people out since 1531.
 12. Faceoff
 13. She’ll outgrow her doppelganger in a couple weeks.
 14. Hopefully he has both ears.
 15. Keep art history weird.

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