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15 Utterly Bizarre Pieces of Furniture

 In theory, furniture should be pretty simple. It’s gotta be functional, it’s gotta be at least somewhat comfortable, and that’s pretty much it.

And yet!

As with most things in our crazy modern world, designers have taken something that seemingly works fine and just gone nuts with it. Turns out furniture can be a lot more creative than whatever you have in your home. Like, REALLY creative. Like, “Is that a chair or is it a pile of meat?” creative.

Clearly human creativity knows no bounds! But, should it? Maybe. Check out these bizarre pieces of furniture and see for yourself.

1. Stand-up bed
 I think it’s safe to say we’ ve all longed to be able to sleep the way horses do. And now we can. Did you know you’re living in the future? Welcome.

3. Octopus chair
Even the stock photo model looks uncomfortable in it.

4. A Terminator robot crossed with a hell hound, as a table.

 This’ll be perfect for the baby’s room!

5. Muscle chair
 Who knew that’s what’s underneath the upholstery?

6. Coffin couch

 Just kick back, relax, and write some overwrought poetry.

7. Hair chair
 Here’s a tip: don’t sit on this while wearing a bathing suit.

8. A sharpened pencil chair
 Designers are just trolling us now, aren’t they?

9. “Single” bed
 Maybe it comes with a Ben & Jerry’s you can eat while watching Master of None on Netflix alone in the dark hoping she texts you back because YOU thought the date went well. Uh…hypothetically.

10. Scarface rifle lamp
 Once you’ve bought this, what else is left to accomplish in life?

11. Ghost chair
 Sorry, but this one uses lasers to create ghost-like forms inside it. It’s not a chair with a real ghost trapped inside it. Those are illegal in the US and Europe.

12. Scorpion & Cobra chairs
 This is a must-have if you host a deadly martial arts tournament inside an island volcano fortress.

13. A table made out of bread
 What if the TABLE was ALSO made of food? Did Homer Simpson invent this?

14. The White Elephant
 This piece of “super furniture” is sorta like the Swiss army knife of furniture. Designer Jimenez Lai describes it as “An object that tumbles to attain multiple orientations to blur the qualifications of plans and sections.

Don’t do drugs, kids.

15. Uh…
Let us never speak of this again.
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