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Incredible Thrift Store Finds That You’ll Wish You Had Discovered

 Thrift stores are some of the most magical places on Earth. Trust me — my very first job was at a thrift store and I used to love going through the inventory and finding hidden treasures. (My best find was three brand-new N64 controllers for $3 a pop! That was a good day.) On top of having easy access to thrifted goods, I also got a 25 percent employee discount, which meant that I ended up taking a lot of stuff home from work.

I'll never understand why some people decide to get rid of a lot of things that end up at Goodwill or Salvation Army, but I'm also definitely not complaining.

With just a few dollars in your pocket and an open mind, you can become the owner of some pretty incredible stuff. Sometimes it takes a little bit of digging, but the results are almost always worth it.

There's really no limit to what you might find.

It could be a collectible item worth thousands of dollars.

Or, it could be one of these amazing finds.

These magnificent matching sweaters:

 When you find two matching sweaters on two different thrift store trips, there is only one correct response.

You must have a photoshoot. With your dog, if possible.

This anatomical model:

 I know what you’re thinking. What good is an anatomical model without any organs?

Don’t worry, my friend. A bag of organs is included!

This legendary couch:

 I’m not usually a fan of buying furniture with an unknown history.

That being said, if you ever find a couch like this and don’t buy it, I will never forgive you.

These prom outfits:

 Believe it or not, both of these outfits (minus the hat and the headband) were completely thrifted! I’m so impressed.

Next up is a T-shirt that will make you want to party like it’s 1995.

This amazing T-shirt:

 Happy birthday, Jane!

Jane clearly knows how to party. Everyone should be like Jane.

This gigantic Yogi Bear head:

 OK, I’m not saying there are a ton of instances where a giant Yogi Bear head will come in handy.

But imagine how embarrassed you’d be if you found yourself in one without said giant Yogi Bear head.

This resplendent fainting couch:

 What’s that? You’re so overwhelmed by the fact that this amazing couch is available at a thrift store that you just might faint?

Well, I have good news for you!

This historical denim jacket:

 That’s it.

I’m going to leave cool notes in the pockets of all the clothes I donate from now on.

This nostalgic outift:

 There’s so much going on here, and I love all of it.

This next find only cost $5!

This dragon-y sweater:

 You should never spend $5 for a sweater featuring a dragon.

Unless that dragon has a tail that goes onto the back of the sweater.

Then you should pay whatever they’re asking, up to and including one million dollars.

This groovy clock:

 Oh man, this brings back some memories, huh?

Now if only I could find one of those clear telephones.

This rad T-shirt:

 Some days you want to wear a tie-dyed T-shirt.

Some days you want to wear a T-shirt with kittens on it.

But the best days? Those are reserved for a shirt like this.

This army of inflatable wacky tube people:

 If you’re having a hard time making friends, I suggest investing in these guys.

Either they’ll attract the attention of people you can befriend, or you can cut out the middleman and just be friends with the tube guys.

This masterful painting:

 He is a loathsome, offensive brute. Yet, I can’t look away.

Warning! This next item features some salty language.

This superb coffee mug:

 I’ve found quite a few great coffee mugs at thrift stores.

None of them have been as good as this one, though.

This stupendous cat figurine:

 Ladies, imagine this:

It’s 15 years from now. Your 5-year-old daughter comes into your bedroom in the middle of the night. She’s crying, terrified of the monster that’s hiding in the shadows of her room.

You groggily walk across the hall only to be stopped in your tracks, filled with horror. It’s this cat.

Just 19 copies of Babe:

 Don’t get me wrong. Babe is a good flick.

But it’s not really buy-19-copies-from-the-thrift-store good, if you know what I mean.

This block of wood with 5,000 coats of paint.

 Look, I don’t really get it either.

But I want it.

This blessed painting of Jesus playing soccer:

 Jesus saves! That’s why we make him play goalie.

Next up is yet another incredible T-shirt.

This holiest of T-shirts:

 I guess there’s no shortage of amazing T-shirts at your local thrift store.

This one is so great; I’ll take Eleven of ’em.

These impeccable paintings:

 The cost $1 apiece, but I think we can all agree that they’re a bargain at any price.

Think of how perfect they’d look in your bathroom!

This piece of fine art:

 If you don’t have the funds to purchase this fine piece of art, just remember:

There’s always money in the banana stand.

These totally bangin' ski jackets:

 Yes, the same person owns every single one of these.

And yes, that person is way too cool for this world.

This elegant wedding dress(!):

 It only cost $36! I’m kind of in awe.

This next item miiiight be my favorite one of all time.

This quirky AF figurine of shells playing poker:

 I mean, come on.

It’s perfect.


 What’s weirder? The fact that this horse is in the shape of a shoe?

Or the fact that this shoe is just a figurine and isn’t actually meant to be worn? WHO IS THIS FOR?!

This mesmerizing blanket:

 It wasn’t enough to have three unicorns galloping beneath a flock of seagulls.

Better add a creepy AF face in the middle there, too.

This absolutely, 100 percent, for sure haunted doll:

 Even looking at this image has cursed you.

I’m so sorry.

This clock that I think might be made out of TEETH?!

 This clock is actually even more haunted than that doll. I hate this so much.

This next item is the deal of a lifetime.

This box of feet:

 Need an extra hand? Too bad.

Need an extra foot? No problem! $1.50 each.

This entrancing poster:

 Is…is that the same creepy AF face from the unicorn blanket?

It is, right?

This couch that's for the dogs:

 It’s pretty hard to tell your dog that dogs aren’t allowed on the couch when it’s literally covered in dogs.

Good luck with that!

This enlightening mug:

 Hey, everybody needs a hobby, right?

This Crocs-y purse:

 It’s one thing to wear the monstrosities on your feet. Carrying a bag is on a whole ‘nother level.

Careful. This next item might haunt your nightmares.

This comfy portrait of Ronald McDonald:

 Of course there’s a Ronald McDonald made entirely out of carpet.

Why wouldn’t there be?

This macabre bowling ball:

 Lest you forget to contemplate your own mortality whilst hitting the lanes.

This oddly aggressive pair of fruit(?) mugs:

 The green guy seems innocuous enough, but that yellow fella is definitely telling you to take a hike.

This very, very weird plaque:

 What are you supposed to do with this?

Hang it on your wall?

This birthday-specific tongue scraper:

Everyone knows your birthday is the one day a year that you have the most bacteria on your tongue.

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