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Dog With Human Face Is Driving The Internet Absolutely Insane

People on the internet love dogs. They love sharing photos of adorable pups, videos of pooches being their hilarious selves, and little anecdotes about their canine’s mischievous antics.

Yep, dogs are pretty amazing creatures – they’re man’s best friend, don’t you know?
However, few dogs are as impressive as Yogi the Shih-poo. And the thing is, Yogi did nothing to work for his newfound fame and label of “impressive pooch”. He was simply born with it.

Now, in case you didn’t know, a Shih-poo is a mixture between a Shih Tzu and a poodle.

So apparently, when you mix these two breeds together, you get a dog that looks uncannily like a human – facially, at least.

Okay, perhaps that just applies to Yogi specifically, as opposed to the entire Shih-poo crossbreed.

He has a very human-like facial expression with eyes that, well, look better placed on a person’s face than a dog’s.

And, of course, when pictures of the unusual-looking dog were plastered on the internet, this caused a huge sensation on social media.

It all began after a picture of him and another dog, Daria, an eight-year-old Shih Tzu, was posted on Reddit.

“A friend of a friend posted a pic on Facebook of her dog,” the caption read. “It looks like it has a man’s face.”

“Wtf he has the most human eyes I’ve seen on a dog,” said one social media user. “But it’s not just his eyes. Look at that little grimace smile that can only come from a middle-aged man whose soul has been given to corporate.”

Twitter was flooded with the photos of the dog’s apparent celebrity lookalikes in a series of side-by-side pictures.

And the comparisons were flattering, to say the least.

From Jake Gyllenhaal to Paul Rudd, almost every Hollywood heartthrob with piercing eyes was compared to the canine.

Yogi’s owner, Chantal Desjardins from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, said the attention that her pooch received online has astounded her. Interestingly, she herself hadn’t noticed a human resemblance in Yogi.

“The crazy part is, I shared it on my Facebook back in December and it was just put on Reddit last week,” Desjardins told ABC News.

“My favorite comment that I saw was Nicolas Cage dressed up like an Ewok, which, I’m like, ‘I get that,'” Desjardins told Inside Edition.

Some of the more skeptical people on the internet believe that Yogi’s face must have been manipulated in the photos, however, Desjardins insists that the photos are totally unaltered.

She also told People magazine that the dog came from a local breeder.

Desjardin has now begun to understand people’s amazement at the photos of her dog, telling Inside Edition “I get why people see it in some pictures.”

It’s pretty amazing that she didn’t see the human resemblance as soon as she got her hands on the little canine. I mean, he’s basically just an extremely hairy person on all fours.

Anyway, I hope little Yogi is enjoying his newfound online fame – even if it only lasts 15 minutes (which is like a month in dog years).

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