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 Meet Bayezid Hossain

From the picture, you can see that he looks quite elderly, but you would be surprised to know that he was born 4 years ago, in 2012. He suffers from a rare condition which causes him to age eight times faster than the usual rate.

 Bayezid’s home is in Bangladesh.

According to doctors, he suffers from progeria, an extremely rare genetic disorder which causes accelerate aging.

 Despite his condition, he is quite smart for his age.

Even though he suffers from progeria, his parents, Tripti and Lovelu said that he is very smart and knows about his condition well, but doesn’t want to speak about it since it is quite stressful.

 He is known as the “Old Man” in his locality.

His parents said that it was quite painful for them when the locals were not initially accepting Bayezid, but gradually his smartness and behaviour changed their attitude towards him.

 TriptiKhatun, Bayezid’s mother, spoke about his fast development.

Even though Bayezidstarted walking properly at the age of 3, he already developed a full set of teeth when he was just 3 months old. He is mentally quite advanced for his age, even though his physical growth is rather abnormal. He has no problems in conversing with others, and is quite smart compared to other children of the same age.

 His mother didn’t know what to do when saw her son the first time.

She became quite emotional while speaking about her son’s birth. “I was taken aback when I saw him for the first time. He looked nothing like a human being – only flesh and bones, almost as if he was an alien. I completely broke down and the doctors at that time had no idea about his condition. They too were perplexed and claimed that they have never witnessed anything like this. They told me and my husband that they didn’t know how to solve this problem.”

 Tripti and Loveluhave visited several specialists for Bayezid’s treatment.

 Unfortuantely, at this moment, there is no cure for this conditions, and such patients usually don’t survive after their teenage years.

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