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These 15 Things Have Perfected the Art of Hiding in Plain Sight

 Have you ever noticed that Pixar movies have little “easter eggs” hidden throughout them? They’re references to other movies that only viewers with the keenest eyes can spot. Well, these 15 photos are like “easter eggs” in the real world. They might not look like much at first, but if you look a little closer you’ll see that they’re something completely different.

1. Don’t step on that pineapple!
 2. This small stone covered in moss looks like a private island in the tropics.
 3. Don’t mistake this piece of abrasive paper for a juicy steak.
 4. “When this sign wasn’t here, people used to put their purses and sit on the water thinking it was a well-polished table.”
 5. Might want to check for visitors before you put on these flip-flops.
 6. This looks like it’s straight out of a horror film.
 7. This tree stays healthy by eating avocados.
 8. The reflections on this building resemble chromosomes.
 9. This pepper’s favorite animal is a penguin.
 10. Bird? Nope, just a crack in the windshield.
 11. This bit of grapefruit pulp looks just like a fly.

 12. This is how you make cell phone towers less noticeable.
 13. When you put soap in the microwave it looks just like freshly baked bread.
 14. Um, I don’t know if I want to roast this one…
 15. Palm trees or giant pineapples? You decide.

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